Environmental Engineering
Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)
Environment Impact Assessment (EIA)
Social Impact Assessment (SIA)
Modern Waste Management Infrastructure and Facilities (Resource Recovery
Water Supply System/Water Treatment Plant
Waste Water Treatment Plant
Scientific Sewage Management System/Network
Storm Water Drainage Management System/Network
Study, Research and Training
Study/Feasibility Study of Development Projects
Geological Study and Research on Potential Disasters and Disaster-Prone Areasin a Municipality
Training/Capacity Development for Local Level Leaders and Bureaucrats (Governance/Administration)
International Study/Seminar/Exposure Visit Management
Training (Income Generation, Production and Entrepreneurship)
Engineering/Architectural (DPR)
Physical Infrastructure (Road, Bridge, Stadium, Cable Car, Rope Way, Jip Flying, etc.)
Landscape Design (Park, Garden, Tourism Spots)
Building Design (Municipal Building, School, Hospital, Hotel/Resort, Corporate/Commercial Building)
Strategic/Development Planning
Municipal Data Bank Preparation
Municipal Profile and Resource/Base Maps
Master Plan/Development Plan of a Municipality/Rural Municipality
Town/City Planning and Design
Infrastructure Planning
Land Use Planning
Land Pooling
Education Sector Reform Plan
Health Sector Reform Plan
Environmental Planning: Environment & Biodiversity Conservation
Plan/Natural Resource Management Plan
Disaster Risk Assessment, Prevention and Management Plan
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Action Plan
Agriculture Development Plan
Tourism Development Plan
Economic Development Plan
Municipality’s Transport Master Plan (MTMP)
Scientific Solid Waste Management Plan
Medical Waste Management Plan
Water Resources Management Plan
Waste Water Treatment and Management Plan
Entrepreneurship/Enterprise Development and Self-Employment Promotion Services
Project Management and Implementation
Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting
Advisory Services Related to Environmental and Developmental Areas